Saturday 25 February 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Bread

Today I made Cinnamon Sugar Bread (originally from Joy The Baker, recipe found via Claire at French For Cupcake) ... sort of.
I've not really worked with yeast before (when I make bread I use those supermarket "mixes" you just add butter to and then knead) - and although I'm tempted to use this as excuse, the ridiculous sticky (and admittedly quite amusing) mess that was my dough was probably caused by two things:
1) A really inappropriate kneading surface (Greaseproof paper. Not attached to anything. I...erm... wouldn't recommend this. Everything gets stuck together, and when you pull it apart there's a sort of cheese string effect - and then your housemate takes photographs of you with a giant gloopy string of dough hanging from your hand. YMMV)
2) A very half-hearted attempt at kneading / forming a proper dough "ball" before letting the mix rise for the first time.
Nonetheless, although the dough couldn't be rolled out and so was in one big clump instead of the wonderful little layers seen at the links above, I persevered - kneading in the sugar and cinnamon mixture as I went along, and coating the top layer of the dough with it. I then slathered it in icing because, well, why not?

Monday 20 February 2012

Charlene's Chocolate Toffee Crisp Brownies

Last weekend, I rustled up a half-batch of Charlene of Dainty Dresses' Toffee Crisp Brownies.
They were yummy - I was running low on a few things and so winged it a little bit: only used about half the amount of cocoa listed, and chopped up my random chocolate I had been hoarding (some plain, some milk) and used that instead of chocolate chips. Nonetheless, they seemed to be a bit of a hit - I found myself carrying little bundles of them around to distribute to various friends.