Friday 25 May 2012

Passionfruit Macarons

I've attempted macarons a few times now over the years, with very mixed results - the first batch I ever made were overcooked, but had perfect feet (something which I didn't manage this time, although the insides were just the right level of gooey). Part of the inconsistency is due to the pernickety nature of macaron making - and part is also that I never remember which recipe I used the time before!
I avoid recipes which use Italian meringue (I don't own a sugar thermometer, for starters) or egg white powder - I'm a bit of a spur-of-the-moment baker, and so anything which I don't have immediately to hand tends to fall by the wayside.
This time, I used a plain macaron recipe intended to be used to create macaron pops (which I still want to try) from Murdoch Book's Make Me: Cake and Cookie Pops. For the filling, I adapted The Great British Bake-Off: How to Bake...'s butter icing recipe and added the "puree"* of 2 passionfruit (1 gave a better texture, but wasn't zingy enough for me). Lisa advises a ratio of 1.25 buttercream to 1 passionfruit puree - but as mentioned above, I tend to bake on a whim and by the time I get to the icing stage I am officially winging it.

* Apparently passionfruit puree is ridiculously expensive, and I'd had enough of a palaver finding passionfruit (which I love) that I simply cut my passionfruit in half, scooped out the innards, and fed it through a sieve. This got a lovely sweet, yellow juice. I know you can also blend or pulse the passionfruit, and puree them that way - although the presence of the seeds might change the flavour somehwhat.

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